Monday, December 12, 2011


Here we are again another Tuesday and only a few more weeks left until the year of 2012! I have been doing quick Tabata drills after a 45 minute strength train and a Tabata right before I hop in the shower for a holiday party! Remember although it is the holiday's and certain dishes can only be made by certain family members does not mean you should overstuff yourself! I do advise you to taste those dishes though since I can understand a good dish created by a family member :)

I have been noticing lots of leggings and wanted to dedicate this tabata to quick cardio with some nice butt exercises to lift those booties and make your booty pop in those leggings!

Tabata Week 3 Workout
-Start off by warming up for 2 minutes or so either doing light jump roping or jogging on the treadmill.

Air Squats- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Jump Rope- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Lunges- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Jump Rope- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Wall Sit- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Jump Rope- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
First position/Eleve- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds
Jump Rope- 20 seconds
Rest- 10 seconds

-Finish off with a 2 minutes cool down of what you did when warming up but relaxing and practicing deep breathing!

Let me know how that goes and get fit and firm in just 4 minutes :)

Love and Shine


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