Tuesday, February 28, 2012


What are you working on for yourself? Start by switching those bad habits to good ones!

What if you were able to just put down that pizza, chocolate bar, cigarette, starbucks drink or soda? What power would you hold being able to set that bad habit down and walk away and grab something else?

A bad habit ends through change. What change can YOU make to let go of that bad habit?

For some, it takes radical damage to occur or an event to create change. For most, it really just takes replacing it with something else. Another habit..but it needs to be a "good" habit.

Here are some ideas of good habits:

Feel like chowing down on some chips or nibbling on processed snacks?
-Write it down! Studies show that writing down your bad habit or even just scrabble will take your mind somewhere else.
-The next time you feel like munching, grab a piece of paper and a pen/pencil or even colored pens or pencils and get writing and or drawing.

Always grab a soda at your lunch break?

-Start by drinking soda water and squeezing a lime in it
-The fuzziness of the soda water will cure that habit and the lime will give it just the flavor it needs
-If you have to have that coca cola taste start by mixing half soda water and half the soda that way you can ween yourself off of that bad habit
-Learn to suck down waters instead! 0 calories, refreshing and just what the body needs

Work on ONE habit at a time. If you are one to have many habits, do not stress! Just focus on one at a time. You will get there and YOU have the confidence, you just have to do it.

Just remember to keep things consistent. Do NOT, and I repeat do NOT just break that bad habit because you feel you have overcome it. Studies show that it takes at LEAST 31 days but I say it takes 3 months to banish a bad habit. I know because I was highly and I mean not living a day without sugar. The high I got and how I felt while doing homework by eating a bag of gummy bears was priceless. I now indulge in a sweet about once a week or if that. If I can do it YOU can do it :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Who do you become when you get in the zone of your workout? Are you the person who gets out all of your aggression and stress and pushes yourself into a sweat or are you the girl who walks around the gym lifts a few weights and walks on the treadmill? Just because you walk into a gym and throw some weights around does not mean you got your workout in! Become tough and strong!

If you know me personally, you know I am quite petite and built very small but I am STRONG. I lift weights at the gym and push 100+ lbs on a leg press. I sweat and sometimes I even grunt but I get out all my aggression and stress when at the gym. I leave the gym or leave my workout happy and energized! I do not always work out at the gym and you do not either. All you truly need is your own body, a good playlist, some weights and an area to sweat!

How do you feel when you leave your workout? Do you look in the mirror and feel like you put in your time. Stop complaining about your body and start pushing yourself at the gym. You can't sit there and say I go to the gym 5 days a week and I don't see any changes. Ask yourself..are you really working out?

Make some changes and changes will be made to your body!

Start your week off right and sweat your stress out, feel energized and feel good about doing something for YOU!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Want to look fabulous in under an hour? No fuss, no mess and to not even have to drive anywhere? Want to glow, look radiant and youthful before a big event? Do what the celebrities do and get a mobile spray tan! Many people are not tan just due to the fact they don't have hours to lay out in the sun because of work, kids or just life gets in the way. No more excuses! Star Systemz comes to you and gives you a customized formula to match your skin type! Star Systemz even brings a special tent to prevent any overspray from gathering in your home.

I gathered these images from an article I read on elle.com asking fans which looks better. On average fans said the sun kissed look was the better choice. Why not feel gorgeous? Its as simple as making a phone call and can be scheduled next day! Check out http://www.starsystemz.com for more information about how spray tanning works and where to book your appointment.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Every woman deserves to feel fabulous at all times. Making time for yourself and doing what makes YOU happy makes those around you happy. Sometimes being selfish is a good thing. When it comes to your personal happiness, its worth the time it takes away from someone else. Think of it this way, when you are happy everything else around you is happy. So take that time for yourself and try some of these simple remedies!

Lips is my subject today as in the past I have done everything and anything to get my lips to have that plump larger look. With all of that my lips have become dry and have aged quite a bit. Wrinkled, small lips means aged older woman so I have been trying different techniques to fix just this. These remedies also work for those who have sunburnt lips or just chapped lips from the wind.

-1 bowl
-2-3 cotton balls
-1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
-1 teaspoon yogurt
-4 drops of honey
-4 drops lemon juice

Mix ingredients together in bowl. Take a cotton ball and tear it up and dip into mixture and place all over lips and let sit there for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

Coconut Rescue
-Coconut Oil
-Bowl of Hot Water

Heat coconut oil until melted. Place on lips.

The fats in coconut oil relieve chapped lips and help fill the wrinkled lines.

Enjoy your weekend and remember to make time for YOU!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wedding Spray Tan

Glowing, blushing and gorgeous the bride looks fabulous hair done, makeup done, with tan lines and bright red. Why is this? She wanted to be tan for her wedding so she spent hours worshipping the sun to find out that she needed to put sunscreen on after she was burnt. To hide a burn is very difficult as the skin is already irritated and dry sometimes even chapping.

Don't look like this on your wedding day:

Take the easy way out and go for a spray tan! Spray Tanning is a safe, quick and an effective way to get the desired color you are going for! Why risk it? Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and unless you are a model the most amount of pictures you will probably take in your life so why not look your best? Sure the sun is free but the time you waste and the chances you take really outweigh the cost.

The best time to get a spray tan is one or two days before the big event! You won't be orange especially with my specialized formula and I have a satisfaction guarantee! I am certified and trained by the top spray tanning technicians and will provide you with the color you desire!

Why not give it a shot? You sure don't want to look like a pasty white bride or a burnt tomato!

Book your appointment now!

Contact: courtney@starsystemz.com
or check out my website at http://www.starsystemz.com for more information!